Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Xena Season 1 Episode 11: The Black Wolf

There are terrible episodes in a series and then there is this...

So this episode starts off with a terrible title “The Black Wolf”. See what I mean? Some of these earlier episodes are really hit or miss. It opens with some tax collectors shaking down a family for some silver coins and the family is all “Ahhh how we supposed to make a living” and the tax collectors are like “Send your women to the street.” Really a much different tone since the last episode but hey this was the 90’s.
Hi kids remember me?
A group of Ninjas come seemingly out of nowhere and begin to attack the tax collectors. Sort of Power Rangerish if you ask me which you didn’t so I am telling you it’s totally like Power Rangerish. 
Identity concealed! 
The 90's were all about NinJAS!!
We find out that these “Ninjas” call themselves The Black Wolves. Of course the King comes out and addresses the towns folk about how they would all be punished blah, blah, blah Black Wolf something blah. He threatens the town to give up their local hero or he will send them all to work in the fields. So a cross between Ryan Gosling and Sean Penn pipes up and says it’s him. The town people ain’t having it so they all start saying they are the Black Wolf. WATCH OUT. I feel the main story coming on. 
If you add two movie stars together you get a guy that looks like
he would steal your Mom's TV for meth.
So the King or the leader of the tax collectors tells them they are all arrested and they have 7 days or he will kill them all.
Only reason Xena headed to the town was she and Argo needed some new shoes. WOMEN BE SHOPPIN. Am I right?
"OMG I cannot believe you fit so much dead fish in there!"
Well, there was some commotion because some rich ladies daughter be in the dungeon. She got bitch slapped by a guard and of course you know Xena and her Damsels. She goes and beats the SHIT out of the guards. Turns out Xena knows that old broad. The amounts of coincidences that happen on this show AMAZE me. It’s like somebody wrote it like that!
"Will you stop getting the shit kicked out of you I'am trying to shop!"
I guess the king in this episode is named Xerxes not the Persian but if they are named Xerxes they must all have dungeons. Anyways, Xena promises this lady to get her daughter out of Jail. Strangely enough we have yet to see a Gabrielle in this episode. Curious, very curious. 

They show the King bitching about the Black Wolves and he has a striking resemblance to Peter Jennings. Anyways, Xena goes and talks to him and they come up with a plan that the King hilariously named Xerxes will pay Xena 10,000 for the Black Wolf and give her a new pair O shoes.

He just LOOKS like a Xerxes
Get this man some Just for Men and he can play Xerxes
 Ain’t that quite the deal? So Xena puts on a show gets arrested and sent to the dungeon. Would you believe Gabrielle shows up and has to pay for Argos new shoes and gets told Xena is in the dungeon? We all see where this is going right? Anyway down in the dungeon Sean Gosling is acting all tough. His GF totally like knows Xena and says that Xena taught her how to use a sword (which she refuses to teach Gabrielle) and also taught her how to embroider. When Sean Gosling says “You sew” Xena is all like “I have many skills.” Except of course teaching her sidekick whom she consistently puts in dangerous situations and leaves to fend on her own how to defend herself…just saying.  All I know is don’t dis Xena’s sewing abilities. 
She also does macrame ---many skills
Gabrielle is wearing a new hat BTW. What a fashionista! Gabrielle is trying to get thrown into the dungeon but is interrupted by guess who…. Salmoneus! 
Gabrielle gets him thrown in the dungeon he gets blamed throwing a tomato at a guard. Gabrielle eventually gets herself thrown in the dungeon and has a heartfelt reunion with a woman I like to call Xena. She’s a warrior princess but I bet you've never heard of her.

Well shit is happening in the dungeon and Gabrielle gets down in there and starts looking for her “Friend” Xena. Whom she describes as “tall and beautiful” cause you know friend stuff.
See that LOOK on Xena's face! HOLY SHIT! She is also not happy about the hat.
Gabrielle reveals her stupid hat is actually Xena’s Chakram and her stylish belt is *GASP* Xena’s whip. That’s a straight shooter we have on our management team Tom. Oh and Salamoneus is like that’s the little twink that got me down here in the first place. Xena is all like that’s my friend and he is all like whaaa you have friends is she a warrior and starts touching Gabrielle's arm. Xena is all hands off of the lady man. Gabrielle makes a joke about his hands on her tomatoes and Xena was not havin that. She gave him the I am going to beat the shit out of you look....little possessive there Xena? Anyway, Xena didn’t want to explain the story and neither do I. BTW---the girl that’s in cahoots with The Black Wolves is a terrible actress along with Ryan Penn just some of the worse acting I have seen on this show p.s the shows acting is not remarkable. She reminds me a bit of a less hot version of Kristin Stewart.  

Also Fuck this episode….Xena gets everyone out. Gabrielle’s hair looks more red than blonde to me. Gabrielle is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. She plays the sidekick so well. P.S. it was the woman she was the black wolf. Jesus H. Christ. Ugghhh…not the best episode indeed. 
It was me ya'll

1 comment:

  1. More! Please more!!!

    I love these reviews! They give me the warm and fuzzies about my favourite show :)
